Order overview
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How do I order multiple photo books simultaneously (basket)?

Ordering multiple photo books simultaneously is easy and saves on delivery costs.

Step 1: Order your project, and select the ‘Add to your basket’ option.

Step 2: Repeat step 1 until your order is complete.

Step 3: Go to the Book Designer start screen and select Show Basket.

Step 4:  Select one of the projects and click on Complete order at the bottom.

All projects with the Ready to order status will now be placed in a single order.

Can’t see all the photo books online? If so, online contact has already been made about 1 order (e.g. to determine the price), and as a result it’s no longer a single order. You can abort the order and empty the basket. Repeat the steps outlined above from the start, and this time they will all be in there.

Please note: this only applies to offline software; if you have made your photo book using the online designer, unfortunately it isn’t possible to place multiple photo books in a single order.